Fennel rings

Skipping through a mighty backlog of photos and notes to tell you guys about something I made last week, because… it was fennel rings. And I need to share them with the world. We got 3 big bulbs of fennel in our last CSA box, and I was getting tired of fennel in salad, so […]

The realest spinach salad and cheese pretzel

In today’s edition of food blogging foods that oughtn’t be food blogged, we have a spinach salad and cheese pretzel from Esther’s German Bakery. Wait, though. We have spinach, tomatoes, yellow pepper, and some roasted potatoes from last week. I’m both proud and slightly embarrassed to share that for salad dressing, I used the leftover […]

Soba salad with soy-ginger dressing

Longtime (hah) readers (hi, Mom) will note that this “salad” is very, very similar to the spring roll salad I posted in September. And, yes. I love a salad that has noodles and a soy saucey dressing. Yum. Soba Salad with Soy-ginger Dressing Inspired by Smitten Kitchen 1 small serving soba noodles 1 or 2 playing-card […]

Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

I imagine I’m not alone in this, but sometimes I can get a little bit (a lot) obsessive about specific foods. I’m talking about making them again and again until I’ve “perfected” the recipe and technique. I don’t generally like eating repeats, so this behavior’s a bit odd for me, but it certainly happens from time […]